We made it to the vapotherm, and Maks is tolerating the change well! Yay! I got to hold him this evening, and it was nice not to have all of the bubble CPAP tubing to stress about. Just the one nasal cannula. I took a picture, and it isn't much of a change around his face, but the amount of tubing leading up to the nasal cannula has decreased, making it less complicated to move him around. He is on 4L and around 30-35% of oxygen. Here are a few pictures of him with the decreased paraphernalia. Check out that bubble he is blowing! I thought it was impressive!

When I was holding him, we dimmed the lights so it wasn't bright, but he somehow wiggled his hand out of the blanket and put it over his eyes. It was so cute, and he kept it there for a long time. Milyn likes to sleep like this! Look at his cute hand.

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It is so fun to see these pictures so close! It seems like I could reach in and touch his little hands and feet! Thanks Shalee for sharing!