Thursday, March 20, 2014

That Scary Diagnosis

Maksim had his first neurology appointment yesterday. It was at Utah Neuro Rehabilitation in Murray, UT. Let me preface this by saying that we are the one who initiated the neuro consult due to concerns of ours, so most of what we were told did not come as a complete shock. We were told that Maksim has sensory processing disorder and spasticity consistent with cerebral palsy. We will have to return to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake next week for him to have a sedated brain and cervical MRI along with a hip x-ray. Due to his chronic lung disease, they may have to intubate him for the procedure. We are hoping for just the sedation. With the brain MRI, they are wanting to check for the location of cerebral palsy, so treatment and therapy can be more customized to what he needs. He also has a large hemangioma on his neck, so the cervical MRI was ordered to see if it is growing internally and putting pressure on his brain stem or cerebellum. The hip x-ray is to check for hip dysplasia.

Although we were not completely caught off-guard with most of this information, the reality of it all has started to set in, along with the feelings of inadequacy as parents and overwhelming concerns for the future. We definitely have a long road ahead; nonetheless, we are so grateful to be blessed to be the parents to this sweet, smiley, miracle boy, who will undoubtedly continue to astound us.

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

More Appointments

This week Maksim has had a few appointments to check some things prior to seeing the neurologist this week. The first one was a repeat hearing test yesterday. At Maksim's last appointment, the pediatrician had a few concerns, such as not consistently responding to his name, not looking to Logan or me when we say "where's mom" or "where's dad," and not being able to mimic sounds such as "mama" and "dada," which warranted this test. I wasn't really sure what to think about the repeat test. I knew he could hear, at least a little bit, because he can be startled. Nonetheless, we went to the appointment just in case.

We were pleased to find out that Maksim's ears work, and the stimulus is being recognized by his brain. He passed all of the tests with flying colors, including turning to quiet sounds in the sound booth. The concern is now with how well his brain is processing the sound and turning it into something understandable to him. He can hear, which is definitely great news, but for some reason, I think a processing problem might scare me more.

His other appointment this week was with a physical therapist. I was really excited for this one, because it meant a fresh set of eyes, who have never seen Maksim, would get to evaluate him and give us a professional opinion.

His overall opinion of Maksim was that it is a "good sign" that he is so active and wanting to be so mobile. He was impressed at his amount of energy and asked "is he always like this? He must sleep well at night!" I thought that was so funny because it is so true! Maksim never stops! :) He also said it was a good thing that Maksim is so happy, because it makes him easier to work with and progress. He watched Maksim army crawl, and stand up, and play with toys. He watched how he struggles to get into a sitting position and how he favors exploring toys on his back or his belly, where he doesn't have to hold himself or toys up against gravity. He stretched and flexed his legs, and watched how he stands on his toes and struggles to make stepping motions. He watched him cruise slightly to the right but be unable to move himself to the left.

He said his main concerns with Maksim lie mostly in his muscle tone. He has an increased tone, particularly in his lower body; he has a hard time isolating antagonistic muscles; and he he has poor balance and core stability. These are all things that Logan and I have noticed and worried about, and they all contribute to his inability to sit and play for longer than several seconds, his inability to four-point crawl, and his limited ability to make stepping motions. However, he said he is very optimistic that Maksim will walk, particularly due to the fact that Maks wants to be mobile, but he has no idea of whether or not he will need assistive devices to walk safely. Maksim's poor vision is another set back in this area, because it frequently causes poor depth perception, which can lead to falls and injuries.

Anyway, I could go on about the visit, but that was the gist of it. I must say, it was nice to hear someone talk about my son through eyes that see him more closely to how Logan and I see him, not as being flawed, but as having a few real struggles that make him different from other children, and not "just behind" them. I can't tell you how many well-meaning people have told me lately that "Maksim is fine"; that I am "just creating problems" in my mind; or that he is "just behind." As innocent as these comments are, they literally drive me crazy. Not the annoyed kind of crazy, but the kind of crazy that seriously makes me question my instincts as Maksim's mother. I am comforted in knowing my instincts were, in fact, noticing something.

I am very excited to have the physical therapist as part of Maksim's team. He seems very proactive, and I really think he can help Maks make great strides with his gross motor skills. I look forward to learning more ways for us to help Maksim progress as well.

And here is the picture of the day. It was beautiful outside today, so I decided to take Maksim and Milyn on a walk. Maksim got to ride in the stroller for the first time today without being in the carrier! :) He thought he was such a big boy (and he looked like one, too), and Milyn loved being able to turn around to talk to him and make him giggle. We can't wait for more beautiful days like today! :)

- Posted by Shalee using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9, 2014

We have enjoyed a few days of nice weather the past couple of weeks. We took advantage of this by getting the swings out so Maksim could try them for the first time. He struggled with his balance and to keep himself up, but he absolutely loved it! We have also had the opportunity of visiting Logan's Grandma and Grandpa Petersen and my Grandma and Grandpa Smith. Of course we had to take pictures!

Maksim is officially outgrowing his size two diapers, and we bought our first box of size 3 this week! This is a big deal, and although they totally drown him around the waist, he needed the bigger size because he is growing in length!

Unfortunately, the whole eating thing is getting more and more stressful and discouraging. He had been eating puréed food pretty well for a while, but we are having a hard time getting him to eat or drink much of anything now. He has also thrown up the past three days during a couple of mealtimes, which is not typical for his usual self. We are hoping it is not a sign that he is coming down with something. I just wish I could find a way to get him to eat and drink more. He is so active, there is no way he is eating enough to gain a sufficient amount of weight. We can't even calorie-pack because we can't get him to eat in the first place. I guess we will just hope it is a phase and that he will magically start eating like a teenaged boy soon.

On a much much happier note, we enjoyed a completely hospital-free February! After spending part of November, December, and January in the hospital, this was a very welcomed change! Maksim also received his last dose of synagis this week to protect him against RSV. We are hopeful that this means spring is on its way and that we can leave cold and flu season behind us soon!

Lastly, check out this cute picture of Milyn and Maksim in the bath. This was Maksim's first time sitting up in the bath, and even though I had to hold him up the whole time, he looked around like he was such a big boy. He usually has to lie down in the sling because he can't safely sit up on his own, but we will keep trying every now and again in hopes of seeing improvements!

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Maksim Update

Maksim has had a great couple of weeks full of progress. He has gone from not sitting on his own to pulling to stand and sitting independently for around 20-30 seconds. His balance and stability also seem to be improving as we continue to work harder and harder to get him stronger. I'm pretty sure he heard the OT say cerebral palsy and is determined to prove her wrong!

He is getting pretty good at pulling himself up very quickly, but he tends to get stuck in this standing position. This week,we are trying to focus on getting him to lower to his bottom or go to a half kneel. We have had to get the pack n play out for his naps during the day because he kept falling in his crib when his legs finally gave it, but he has started to improve in this area.

He had a 14 month preemie checkup on Monday to see how he is progressing. His pediatrician has some concerns regarding his motor skills, so he ordered home health physical therapy. He sent the referral over after the visit, and we are hoping we get a call soon, so we can get that started and see even more progress!

Unfortunately, all of the physical activity that Maksim does during the day is causing a major plateau in his weight. He only gained one ounce since his last visit. His current weight is 16# 7 oz, and he is 27 1/4 inches long. He is struggling quite a bit with his bottle, and we are only able to get about 12 ounces down him per day. He also has a hard timed drinking from a skippy cup, so he isn't getting enough fluid in. We are on as search for a way to get him to drink liquid, and we think we might have found one that works for him. We are hoping to see some progress with this as well. As far as eating goes, he likes to feed himself finger foods, but he is pretty picky. I have got to get more creative to find things he likes. Pinterest, here I come! :)

Thanks to everyone for all of the continued prayers for our Miracle Maks. We look forward to some answered questions at his neurology appointment on the 19th!

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