Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9, 2014

We have enjoyed a few days of nice weather the past couple of weeks. We took advantage of this by getting the swings out so Maksim could try them for the first time. He struggled with his balance and to keep himself up, but he absolutely loved it! We have also had the opportunity of visiting Logan's Grandma and Grandpa Petersen and my Grandma and Grandpa Smith. Of course we had to take pictures!

Maksim is officially outgrowing his size two diapers, and we bought our first box of size 3 this week! This is a big deal, and although they totally drown him around the waist, he needed the bigger size because he is growing in length!

Unfortunately, the whole eating thing is getting more and more stressful and discouraging. He had been eating puréed food pretty well for a while, but we are having a hard time getting him to eat or drink much of anything now. He has also thrown up the past three days during a couple of mealtimes, which is not typical for his usual self. We are hoping it is not a sign that he is coming down with something. I just wish I could find a way to get him to eat and drink more. He is so active, there is no way he is eating enough to gain a sufficient amount of weight. We can't even calorie-pack because we can't get him to eat in the first place. I guess we will just hope it is a phase and that he will magically start eating like a teenaged boy soon.

On a much much happier note, we enjoyed a completely hospital-free February! After spending part of November, December, and January in the hospital, this was a very welcomed change! Maksim also received his last dose of synagis this week to protect him against RSV. We are hopeful that this means spring is on its way and that we can leave cold and flu season behind us soon!

Lastly, check out this cute picture of Milyn and Maksim in the bath. This was Maksim's first time sitting up in the bath, and even though I had to hold him up the whole time, he looked around like he was such a big boy. He usually has to lie down in the sling because he can't safely sit up on his own, but we will keep trying every now and again in hopes of seeing improvements!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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