Maks had a positive blood bacteria culture a couple days ago, and as a standard measure, they replace PICC lines when this happens. A PICC line is a peripherally inserted central catheter. Basically, it is a more permanent IV. Maks currently has one in his right foot. They have a high risk of infection, and because of this risk, whenever there is any sign that it could be causing infection, they replace it and remove it. Because the bacteria that grew in his culture was staph, a bacteria that we all carry on our skin, it is very likely that it was a contaminant; but once again, they don't want to take any chances, so they decided to replace it. Unfortunately, they tried today and were not successful, so they will have to try again tomorrow.
I got to hold Maks again today. It is crazy to see how much his oxygen saturations improve when he has skin to skin contact with his momma! The nurse always has to come in several times to turn down the concentration of his oxygen when I am holding him. :) I sure missed being able to hold him the past couple of days.
I also had to take another picture of him opening his eyes. The nurse was taking out his arterial line, and I was stroking his head to ease the discomfort. He kept opening his eyes so widely and looking in my direction. It just made my heart melt. Logan also took a picture of him resting comfortably this evening. He had his little hand rested on his forehead. So precious. You will notice he has another IV in his head this evening. That is because he needed packed red blood cells today, and since the PICC line placement was unsuccessful, that was their only option.
Uncle Landon left today for Utah. He will enter the MTC tomorrow as a missionary. He stopped by this morning to say goodbye to Maks. It is crazy to think that he will be 2 when Landon gets home, but we look forward to skyping with him on mothers' day. Hopefully Maks will be home by then.
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Ok, I will confess..I am addicted to this blog!!:-) I can't wait each day to check on your precious baby!! Thank you SO MUCH for letting me into your very personal life. You are in our prayers daily!