Saturday, January 12, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Today was another good day. It was fairly uneventful, but good nonetheless. The best part about today is that by the end of the day, Maks was finally completely weaned off the dopamine! That means he gets to start breast milk feedings soon! I was so excited, I had to take a picture of the empty IV pole. :)

The nurse also inserted a PICC line today, and the UAC and UVC lines in his abdomen were discontinued.

Logan went back to work today, but we got to go see Maks in the evening together. Logan even saw him stretch really big for the first time today. It is fun to see him do things like that because it makes him seem more life-like.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your story Shalee. You are amazingly strong and I am keeping your family and Maks in my prayers!!
