Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 72

You know, some days, you just want to forget about everything that happened. Today is pretty much one of those days. But I guess instead of forgetting about it, I will write about it. After getting literally no sleep last night because we were up all night with Milyn throwing up and running a fever, our day just kept getting worse. Milyn's tonsils are so swollen today, she hasn't been able to eat anything, and she started to drool because it hurts so badly to swallow. After Logan got home from church, I decided to call the Pediatric Center again just to see if they had any thoughts since she has continued to get worse. The PA who we saw yesterday recommended we go to the ER to get her looked at.

Once there, they gave her some steroids to help with the pain. It definitely seemed to work; she perked up about 45 minutes after they gave it to her, but she continued to complain of her "tongue" hurting. They decided to try a broader spectrum antibiotic to see if it will help, but the doctor said it is probably a nasty virus. They sent us home with a prescription for Zithromax and Prednisone and a referral to see an ENT this week to see about getting her tonsils out. Isn't that just fantastic? Not only are we running on no sleep with a sick baby in the NICU, but now we will probably have our other child in the hospital in the next couple of weeks getting operated on. Life just keeps getting better and better.

Maks isn't having that great of a day either. He has started retaining fluid, requiring more oxygen, and being more lethargic and sleepy. I started noticing a change during the beginning of the week. He just hasn't been as awake and alert when I have been there. They only attempted one bottle during day shift, and he only drank about 8mls of it. He hasn't shown signs of temperature variations, so that is good, but they are having to watch him a lot closer to see if they can identify the cause for all of the changes. The doctor didn't want to start him on a diuretic because last time he was on one, all of his electrolytes went way out of balance. They did put him on a fluid restriction, however, to see if that helps with the swelling. They decreased his total fluids from 170ml/kg/day to 150ml/kg/day and increased his nutrition from breast22 to breast24. Basically, they increased the calories to make up for the decrease in volume.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. WOW! I am so sorry for you! Everything is harder to face when you haven't had ANY sleep! I hope today is better, but it sounds like you might have a few more rough ones! :0(

  2. Did they do the rapid strep test on her? Sometimes they will come back negative, just to have a positive result come back two days later. I had that happen a few times with my children. You don't know me, but I know your mother and father in law. I actually babysat your husband and his sister when they were little. I check your blog everyday. I pray that today will be a better day, and that Maks will continue to get stronger each day.
