Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 75

Poor Maks has been so constipated. He went over 48 hours without having a bowel movement, which is a long time for him. I know it is because when they decreased his total fluid allowance, they increased his fortification. The poor kid was pushing and straining all day, which can't be good for his hernias. They ordered a glycerine enema to be given, and luckily he had good results after that.

Maks has a couple of hemangiomas, and the one on his neck has become quite large. It started bleeding a couple days ago and has been off and on bleeding a little. I think it is because the oxygen tubing rubs on it and causes it to become irritated. The nurse said she let the nurse practitioner know, and we might have to start looking at treatment options for it tomorrow. He also has another eye exam tomorrow, and we continue to pray for favorable results.

I haven't been able to go to the hospital in the evenings this week like I am used to doing because Milyn has been so sick and whiney. I just hate to leave her twice in one day when she is like that, especially with people she may not be familiar with. Maks was due for a bath today, so, since I could not go this afternoon, Logan stopped at the hospital after work to do it and spend some time with him. If Maks is anything like his sister, he will just absolutely love his dad!

Logan even took a few pics for me while he was there. You can see the edema in Maks' face, especially around his eyes, but he is such a cutie! And he took almost a whole bottle for both Logan and me today!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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