Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 81

Maks is finally starting to get the hang of this whole feeding thing. It is pretty crazy how well he has eaten today. I wouldn't be surprised if he sleeps all day tomorrow! He ate 100% of his bottles during the day shift, and tonight when I talked to the nurse, he had eaten 100% of both of the bottles she had given him! Nothing had to be given via the feeding tube today! I am hoping he has just figured this out and that tomorrow won't be too much of a recovery day.

He gets his hematocrit checked in the morning. We'll have to see if his body is finally making its own red blood cells. He is at the age where he should be able to start doing this, so hopefully he won't need a transfusion. He did seem to be a little less stable with his oxygen sats today, and when I was holding him this evening after his bottle, he had a pretty bad bradycardia episode, and his heart rate dropped to the 40s. He coughed a little and was probably just choking a little from some regurgitation after he ate. It was still a little unnerving, though,and it makes me nervous to bring him home without a heart rate monitor.

Here is my sweet little miracle after his bath today.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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