Sunday, January 13, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

Maks woke up to another good day. He was doing so well, the antibiotics were all stopped, the IV in his hand was pulled, and they started weaning the hydrocortisone. He also had his 7 day brain ultrasound, which he passed with flying colors! So grateful for no brain bleeds!

Logan got to help me hold him today. He had never heard him cry, so he took this video of the nurse helping me get him settled. You can hear his tiny little cry if you listen closely.

YouTube Video

When Logan and I came back in the evening, we got to help with his cares. We changed his diaper, cleaned and suctioned his mouth, gave him a little sponge bath, and just enjoyed looking at him and being with him. Logan was playing with him, and Maks kept opening his eyes. I took a quick video so everyone can see that both of his eyes are now unfused, and he is loving being able to open them.

YouTube Video

We are so thankful for all of the prayers and for the miracles we see every day.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Just got all caught up reading about your experience! Tim told us you had a rather rough start with this little guy and briefly mentioned to Kyle we could find out more online. I'm glad to hear he's getting better everyday. We'll be thinking of you guys! Hang in there!

    Gina and Kyle

  2. Amazing little guy! So full of miracles and blessings...makes me cry! Our love and prayers are with you.

  3. I can even express how happy we are that your precious little miracle baby is doing so well! The Lord has truly blessed your family! We are praying for you along with so many others!!

  4. What a sweet little cry! He is amazing, as are you both!

  5. Oh Shalee, reading these posts just makes me so emotional. It makes me so sad that we aren't there, we really miss you guys! You guys are just so awesome and so is little Maks. He is such a sweetie, I just know it, and he's so lucky to have you guys as parents! Even though Lilly was full term, I felt pretty similar to how you do with that surreal feeling and the pain grounding you, reminding you that it is real, cause I felt like that for a while from my c-section. Even though my situation is very different from yours, you are not alone in your feelings! I just love those videos, it's so amazing you can hold him and take care of him. He's just so precious and adorable!
