Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 56

Maks finally got rid of his oral-gastric tube! I guess he pulled it out this morning, and Dr. Jenkins decided to give the nasal gastric tube a try. I am so excited. He looks so good, and we can finally see his cute lips!

He had some labs drawn this morning. His hematocrit was 35, which is good. Hopefully that will continue to stay up so he won't have to have any more transfusions. His bilirubin was also good. It has gone down slightly since they stopped the Actigall.

In rounds today, Dr. Jenkins talked a little about the results of Maks' eye exam. I guess there are different stages of ROP, and Maks has stage 2 retinopathy in zone two. I don't really understand much about what all of the terminology means, but it is enough to make me nervous. There is a slight chance it could move to zone three, which apparently isn't as bad, and an even slighter chance it could resolve on its own. If laser treatment is required, which would stop further progression of the retinopathy, he will permanently lose sight in that particular field of vision. I know this seems so minute compared to the many complications he could have faced up til now, but I still worry about it. We pray that Maks can have the least amount of complications as possible, and that we will be blessed to witness many more miracles on his behalf.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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